RN To BSN Journal of Nursing

Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Tags: bsn degrees Nurse Education nursing education RN to BSN

Whether one is a recent graduate of an associate degree in nursing program or an experienced nurse who wishes to explore other opportunities in nursing. It is a good time to consider enrolling in a RN to BSN program and complete the BSN degree in nursing. In many cases, a BSN will open the door to opportunities in management, quality improvement, or be the first step in obtaining a Master of Science degree in nursing. In addition, some medical centers that hold Magnet recognition from the American Nurses' Credentialing Center (ANCC) require nurses to either have a BSN or begin school to obtain a BSN.

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Is Nursing a Profession?

Is Nursing a Profession?

Tags: advanced education advanced practice culture debate ethical principles ethical standards ethical values ethics nursing nursing ethics profession RN to BSN

Professions require that educational preparedness must be within institutions of higher learning. In order to be held out as a profession, an individual must be able to practice autonomously within their scope of practice. Nurses have an identified scope of practice mandated by a particular state board of nursing. A profession has a code of ethics which is recognized across numerous levels of practice within the profession. The culture and norms of a profession are easily recognized by the professionals who make-up the body.

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